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Sunday, February 13, 2011

More on simplified tracking

So, in the last entry I gave you a summary of a tracking sheet that you could print out and start using immediately.  Hopefully some of you have, but if not that’s ok, no time like the present.  Here’s the link again to get a copy:  Tracking - Where

For those of you who aren’t keen on customers being influenced by other customers’ checkmarks, another way to gather this information is to have a separate sheet for each customer and ask them to circle or highlight their answers. This method will use a lot more paper, however, it may also be more accurate and easier to use in a busy store. Here’s a sheet you can use for this method: Tracking - Where List

You can also let customers know that if they have already filled this out, they don’t need to do it again. That will help reduce duplicate information.

I realize that some of you are very keen to separate out specifically “which” of your advertising/marketing is working for you, which is why I started with this particular tracking sheet and information.  I strongly caution against putting too much emphasis on this, but if you are going to insist that you need this information then I can at least give you some pointers to help this tracking be more informative and useful.  Please remember, that in reality this really isn’t the place you should “start” – at least in terms of your analysis, but there is nothing wrong with gathering this information now and reviewing it, and then gathering the other information you also need before this information will fully make sense.

First you must realize that a percentage of your customers will incorrectly state where they saw your advertising or heard about your business.  We have first hand tested this and it is without question true.  So I took it a step further and did some additional research and sure enough, I came across several other experts who indicated the same problem.  So with all of your tracking, you must take it with a grain of salt and learn to read between the lines.

Once you have a decent amount of responses (the quantity is going to depend on your particular business, I would aim for at least 10% of your monthly traffic, but see what you get after a week), sit down and go through them. I’ve put together another form that you can use for your analysis.

Using the above form may seem daunting and a fair amount of work, but I guess the question you need to ask yourself would be “Is my business worth the effort?” Unfortunately, many businesses do not put the time, thought and effort in to their advertising and marketing.  This results in many businesses running blind on hope and prayer. Some get lucky, some don’t. Do you want to leave your success to chance?

From the information you gather in this form some of the questions that don’t get answered are:
  1. Are my customers getting different media’s confused? ie: calling the Gazette the Wheel
  2. Was it “where” my ad was or “what my ad said” that got my customers attention?
  3. How many times did my customer see my different messages or the same message before they took action?
  4. What other factors influenced their decision to do business with me?
  5. Why do I have methods of advertising/marketing that no one is checking off?
This is why this information is only one piece of the puzzle.

In my next article I am going to take you back to the beginning. By all means, start to gather the information for this more detailed form, you will need it for a full analysis, it is simply not the only information you need to gather.

Wow, these "short" articles are more challenging for me than pretty much any endeavor I've previously embarked on!  There is simply just too much to say on these topics and every point made has a spin off in another direction or another way of doing the same thing. *sigh*  :)  but I fully appreciate how busy each of you are, so I will continue to aim for "short"!

I'll be back again tomorrow!

ps: if you ever need any of the forms or documents I link through my emails, or if you want a PDF version, you can get them through our website at this link:

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